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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present

JUNE 2007

boomer-refit.htm      Nuclear Boomer Refit Birdseye                    June 30, 2007
mi6-garbage.htm       Al-Qaeda car bomb false flag MI6 garbage         June 30, 2007 
radar-spy.htm         Radar Mag Spying John Young Cryptome             June 30, 2007      USAF Air Combat Command FOIA Log (5.2MB)         June 30, 2007
cia-esau-42.pdf       CIA Pulp: Church Troublemaking in Latin America  June 28, 2007
cia-esau-47.pdf       CIA Pulp: Fedayeen Troublmaking in Middle East 1 June 28, 2007
cia-esau-49.pdf       CIA Pulp: Fedayeen Troublmaking in Middle East 2 June 28, 2007
cia-caesar-24.pdf     CIA Pulp: Soviet Writers Troublemaking in Art    June 28, 2007     CIA Family Jewels 702 Pages Zipped (18.4MB)      June 27, 2007
nsa062607.htm         NSA Ups Bribes for Snake Oil Back Doors          June 27, 2007
pd2007-20.htm         Prez Ups Bribes to Corrupt Palestinians          June 27, 2007
dos062607.htm         State Dept Tightens InfoSec Purchases            June 27, 2007
dhs062607.htm         US Sets Documents Required for Travelers         June 27, 2007

dsb062607.htm         Defense Science Board Secret Meet                June 27, 2007
cia-jewels.htm        CIA Family Jewels Update                         June 25, 2007
ecn.htm               Mind War: Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience    June 24, 2007
va062207.htm          VA Hopes to Plug Veteran Data Leaks              June 24, 2007
cia-nasty.htm         CIA Director Reviews Nasty History of CIA        June 22, 2007

cia-brag.htm          CIA Rendition Program Author Brags of Crimes     June 22, 2007
tsa061807.htm         TSA Wants More Secret Info                       June 19, 2007
dos061407.htm         Secret International Security Panel Meet         June 15, 2007
nist061207-2.htm      RFC Secure Hash Standard                         June 13, 2007
nist061207.htm        RFC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code       June 13, 2007

uscg061207.htm        Coast Guard Asks Raytheon for Command Help       June 13, 2007
machinic-intel.htm    Machinic Intellectuals                           June 12, 2007
war-art.htm           War Art Profiteers: Venice Biennale              June 12, 2007
nukes-29000.htm       29,000 Names and Addresses of Nuclear Licensees  June 11, 2007
army-oio.htm          Army Offensive Information Operations RFP        June 9, 2007

nsa-liberty.htm       NSA Opens 100s of New Docs on USS Liberty Attack June 9, 2007
cia-blackholes.pdf    CIA Secret Detention Facilities                  June 9, 2007
nsa-ip-info2.htm      More NSA IP Packet Tracking and Analysis         June 8, 2007
doj060707.htm         Federal Detainees Grow 1000 Per Cent: Ka-Chink   June 8, 2007
bop060607-2.htm       Annual Cost of Federal Prisoner: Ka-Chink        June 8, 2007

nsa-ip-info.htm       NSA IP Packet Tracking and Analysis              June 6, 2007
jfk-tanks.htm         Eyeballing the JFK Airport Fuel Tanks            June 3, 2007
usemb-iq.htm          Eyeballing the US Embassy Baghdad                June 2, 2007
nsa-ping.htm          NSA Resources For Rapid Targeting and Analysis   June 2, 2007
sss060107.htm         Draft Board Spies College Students               June 2, 2007

O f f s i t e 
PR War                Iraqi Insurgent Media                            June 30, 2007

PIDB                  Public Interest Declassification Board By-Laws   June 25, 2007
Puta                  Spy Whores                                       June 25, 2007
E War                 Electronic Pearl Harbor Idiots                   June 24, 2007
SEW                   Space and Electronic Warfare Lexicon             June 24, 2007
Disinfo               CIA: How to Practice Disinformation              June 24, 2007

Misinfo               State: How to Identify Misinformation            June 24, 2007
Lil Cops              Respect for Law Camp                             June 24, 2007
DNI                   Overhauling Intelligence                         June 22, 2007
NSA Patent            NSA Method for Bumping a Thin Wafer              June 22, 2007
Tech Fix              NSA Prophet                                      June 22, 2007

CIA Filth 2           Extraordinary Renditioner Brags of Crimes        June 22, 2007
CIA Filth 1           CIA to Air Decades of Its Dirty Laundry          June 22, 2007
AES Break             AES Breakable                                    June 21, 1007
GAO-07-874            Coast Guard Deepwater Program Sinking            June 19, 2007 
Blink (ok)            Hiding Files in JPEGs                            June 19, 2007

No Fat                White House Bares Wee Earmarks Not Big Pork      June 17, 2007
FBI Fat               FBI 2008 Budget                                  June 17, 2008
Crooked               Bent Judge Orders Kill of NSA Lawsuit            June 15, 2007
OFEK-7                Israeli Spy Satellite Pretty Good, Maybe         June 15, 2007
SP800-101             Guidelines on Cell Phone Forensics               June 15, 2007

NSA ATT               EFF Releases NSA-ATT Spying Docs                 June 13, 2007
Dark Fat              CIA on Use of Contractors                        June 13, 2007
Flat Lie              CIA Liaison for Entertainment Disinfo            June 13, 2007
NSCTT                 National Strategy to Combat Terrorist Travel     June 13, 2007
Mujahid 2             Analysis of Technical Mujahid 2                  June 10, 2007

USA Gag               America's Secret Obsession                       June 10, 2007
Moakus                Coast Guard Deepwater Doo Doo                    June 9, 2007
Black Ops             Blackwater Thugs Sue Families of Iraq War Dead   June 9, 2007
Sweettalk             Educing Information                              June 9, 2007
Home Spy              CIA Officers Home Addresses                      June 9, 2007

SI Ed                 Strategic Intelligence Education                 June 8, 2007
Rogues 4              The Corporate Takeover of US Spying 4            June 8, 2007
NSA Patent 2          Synchronization Without Broadcasting Signal      June 8, 2007
NSA Patent 1          Automated Permutation Method and Apparatus       June 8, 2007
BE Bio                Belgian Biometric Passport                       June 6, 2007

Rogues 3              The Corporate Takeover of US Spying 3            June 6, 2007
Rogues 2              The Corporate Takeover of US Spying 2            June 6, 2007
JFK Plot              Complaint Alleging Plot to Attack JFK Airport    June 2, 2007
Rogues 1              The Corporate Takeover of US Spying 1            June 2, 2007
Feeb                  FBI Web Mail Service                             June 2, 2007
MAY 2007 epa052907.htm Water Security Initiative May 30, 2007 noaa-eyeball.htm Eyeballing NOAA Weather Satellite Control Center May 28, 2007 noise-crypt.htm Noise Encryption Keeps Spooks Out Update May 28, 2007 nsa-ip-blocks.htm More NSA IP Blocks in CIDR Format Update May 28, 2007 mayday.htm Memorial Mayday 2007 May 27, 2007 cn-recruit.htm China Mainland Democracy Movement Recruiting May 26, 2007 dod052507-2.htm WMD Lethality Effectiveness May 26, 2007 dod052507.htm Site R Conduct as Pentagon Reservation May 26, 2007 hsac052507.htm HomeSec Port Pork Secret Meet May 26, 2007 ispab052507.htm InfoSec and Privacy Panel Open Meet May 26, 2007 mi5-mi5.htm MI5 Front Outs Cryptome As MI5 Front May 24, 2007 eo13434.htm National Security Professional Development May 22, 2007 nsa-hq-0504.htm Eyeball NSA Headquarters April 2005 May 20, 2007 tm-31-210.htm TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook May 20, 2007 nrc051707.htm Yucca Mountain Nuclear Materials Security May 18, 2007 doa051607.htm Presidentially Directed Growth of US Army May 17, 2007 eu-terrorism.pdf EU Terrorism Situation Report 2007 May 15, 2006 bp-mi6.htm How BP Spied for MI6 and Blew £45m May 14, 2007 uk-targets.htm UK List of Financial Sanctions Targets May 14, 2007 deepwater.htm US Coast Guard Deepwater Files May 12, 2007 hsinac050807.htm Homeland Security Information Network Panel May 9, 2007 bis050707.htm Missile Technology Control Regime Revised May 9, 2007 dsb050307.htm Defense Science Board Secret WMD Meets May 9, 2007 cg-inside.htm Inside Coast Guard Deepwater May 4, 2007 cg-hearing.htm Congressional Deepwater Hearing Transcript May 4, 2007 cryptome-shut.htm Cryptome Shutdown by Verio/NTT Prime Suspect May 4, 2007 O f f s i t e
US Palace             US Embassy Iraq Drawings                         May 30, 2007
Hide Not              Banning Photos of War Carnage Is No Favor        May 28, 2007
cia2007               CIA Officers Names and Photos 2007               May 28, 2007
MI5 Hole              MI5 Hide in Northern Ireland Palace Barracks     May 28, 2007

3ETI                  Prez Guard Secret Service Wireless Van           May 28, 2007
Cabal                 Operation Northwoods Document                    May 27, 2007
Phrack                Phrack                                           May 27, 2007
IQ Intel              Senate Report on Pre-war Iraq Intelligence       May 26, 2007
CN Intel              DoD Report on Pre-war PRC Intelligence           May 26, 2007

SIOP 62               DoD Plan for PRC Nuclear Megadeath 1962          May 26, 2007
ACLU Not              Does the ACLU Believe in Free Speech, Maybe Not  May 25, 2007
US Open               US Call for Spying Openness                      May 25, 2007
UK Open               UK Call for Terror Trials Openness               May 25, 2007
GAO-07-368            FBI Critical Networks Are Insecure               May 25, 2007

ZEV                   Van with X-Ray Vision                            May 21, 2007
TIDE                  Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment        May 20, 2007
MI5 Eye               MI5 Vehicle Workshop Garage                      May 20, 2007
NYPD Spy 1            NYPD Spying Documents Spin                       May 18, 2007
NYPD Spy 2            NYPD Spying Documents                            May 18, 2007

Deepdoo               60 Minutes on Deepwater                          May 18, 2007
Yucca DBT             Yucca Mountain Design Basis Threat               May 18, 2007
GCHQ                  New GCHQ Birdlip Radio Station Documents         May 16, 2007
WiFi Spy              DISA's Wi-Fi Flying Squirrel Sniffer             May 16, 2007
CG Clamp              Coast Guard Orders Deepwater Records Clamped     May 16, 2007

RSA Patent            Robust Visual Passwords                          May 16, 2007
AOF                   Architectures of Fear: Terrorism and the Future  May 15, 2007
UTOA                  The Ugly Truth About Online Anonymity            May 13, 2007
CIATPM                Canadian Industrial TEMPEST Program Manual       May 13, 2007
RJA Patent            Microprocessor resistant to power analysis       May 12, 2007
APRIL 2007 nsa-sa-eyeball.htm National Security Agency San Antonio TX April 27, 2007 hhs042307.htm Health Dept Issues WMD Countermeasures Plan April 24, 2007 cg-unmet.htm Coast Guard Unmet TEMPEST Requirements April 23, 2007 cg-ugly.htm Ugly Questions for Coast Guard on TEMPEST April 22, 2007 cg-leakage2.htm Michael DeKort on Coast Guard TEMPEST Leakage April 22, 2007 wiki-no-tor.htm Wikipedia Blocks TOR Anonymizer April 22, 2007 cia041507.htm CIA Director Interview on C-SPAN April 21, 2007 cg-leakage.htm James Atkinson on Coast Guard TEMPEST Leakage April 21, 2007 vtk-photos.htm Virginia Tech Killing Photos April 21, 2007 cg-screwup.htm Coast Guard Big Time Screw Up April 20, 2007 osha041307.htm OSHA Updates Explosives Worker Protection April 13, 2007 dos041207.htm US Absolves Colombia Military Terrorists April 13, 2007 fbi041207.htm US Homeland Spy Web April 13, 2007 co041207.htm WIPO Roundtable on Broadcasting Copyright April 13, 2007 usps041207.htm Fowl Mail April 13, 2007 dhs041107.htm DHS Privacy Impact Assessments April 12, 2007 pclob041007.htm Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board April 12, 2007 dhs040907.htm Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards April 12, 2007 dod040907.htm DoD Secret Warmaking Meets April 12, 2007 ogto-orgies.pdf Spying on Redstone Lab Sex-Obsessed Physicist April 8, 2007 pentagon-ci.pdf Pentagon Communications Counterintelligence April 8, 2007 careless-token.pdf CARELESS TOKEN Communications Intercept Op April 8, 2007 dossp.pdf Dedicated Operations Security Support Program April 8, 2007 hebrew-project.pdf Spying on Hebrew Project Suspected Israeli Spy April 8, 2007 tony-holland.htm Tony Holland: Mike Smith Supposed Spy April 8, 2007 site-r-ci.htm Site R Counterintelligence Reports April 7, 2007 pamphlet-381-3.pdf Military Counterintelligence Pamphlet 381-3 April 7, 2007 dhs040607.htm DHS Biometric Storage System April 7, 2007 ferc040607.htm Liquified Natural Gas WMD Port Secret Meet April 7, 2007 nstac040607.htm National Security Telecomm Semi-Secret Meet April 7, 2007 bop040407.htm Punishing Prisoners for Leaks of NatSec Info April 5, 2007 fcc040407.htm FCC Sets Communications Security Panel April 5, 2007 itar040307.htm US Arms Bribe of Vietnam April 4, 2007 istac040307.htm InfoSys-Crypto Export Panel Meet April 4, 2007 O f f s i t e
Al Anthrax            The Faithful Spy: Amerithrax Spoiler Alert       April 22, 2007
Horror Spin           MI5 Scripts Al Qaeda Iran Hiroshima Nagasaki Boo April 22, 2007

Go to Jail            Coast Guard Says Nobody Is Guilty of NatSec Rip  April 22, 2007
War Play              Exercise Neptune Warrior - UK War Games          April 21, 2007
A Mail                Zawahiri Behind Anthrax Mailings?                April 14, 2007
Mike Smith            Mike Smith Hammers Tony Holland                  April 13, 2007
Careless Token        US Czech-Intercept Station Message Board         April 11, 2007

Peeper                Iraq Sniper Porn                                 April 4, 2007
Date Perps            Judge Orders Criminal Check for Online Daters    April 4, 2007
Aircrack              WEP 104-bit Crypto Crack                         April 4, 2007
Perp                  Ex-CIA Robert Seldon Lady Wanted Poster          April 1, 2007
Eff MI6               Effing MI6 Screws Richard Tomlinson Yet Again    April 1, 2007

MARCH 2007 msha033007.htm Coal Mine Self-contained Self-rescue Training March 31, 2007 treas033007.htm National Financial Education Network March 31, 2007 occ032907.htm US Proposes Model Financial Privacy Form March 30, 2007 nrc032907.htm Citizen Call for More Nuclear Plant Security March 30, 2007 bis032807.htm Chemical WMD Materials Export Controls March 29, 2007 ufc-4-010-01.pdf Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings March 28, 2007 phmsa032607.htm Airliner Threat of Device Batteries March 27, 2007 nypd-spy.htm New York Police Spy Operation Eyeball March 25, 2007 ftc032107.htm RFC on Sony BMG Covert DRM Spyware March 22, 2007 nist032107.htm Information Habits of Millennial Scientists March 22, 2007 hhs032007.htm WMD Emergency Medical Countermeasures March 21, 2007 va032007.htm Veteran Schedule for Rating Disabilities March 21, 2007 dos032007.htm State Dept War Lovers Secret Meet March 21, 2007 mi5-evans.htm New MI5 Chief Named in Policewoman Murder Probe March 18, 2007 david07-eyeball.htm Eyeballing Camp David 2007 March 18, 2007 hmg-tomlinson.htm HMG Says No Prosecution of Richard Tomlinson March 17, 2007 marad031507.htm Cabrillo Port LNG Deepwater Port March 16, 2007 dod031507.htm Testing for WMD Bunker Attack March 16, 2007 nstac031507.htm National Security Telecommunications Secret Meet March 16, 2007 doa031507.htm Army Law Enforcement Reporting March 15, 2007 mms031507.htm Offshore Mineral Operations Regulations March 16, 2007 bop031507.htm Prisoner Suicide Prevention March 16, 2007 fbi-nsl.htm Review of FBI Use of National Security Letters March 10, 2007 doj030707.htm DoJ Sets National Spy Operation March 8, 2007 dtag030707.htm War Lovers Meet March 8, 2007 nrc030607.htm NRC DHS Fret Location of New Nuclear Facilities March 7, 2007 dhs030607.htm DHS Hearing on National ID March 7, 2007 bis030607.htm Export Eased for Non-Torture Thumbcuffs March 7, 2007 dc-nse.htm Going to war over prime numbers March 4, 2007 nsa-nse-01.htm NSA Releases Top Secret Crypto Papers March 1, 2007 O f f s i t e Key Escrow 2 DHS Wants Master Key for DNS March 31, 2007 HOSDB Home Office Scientific Development Branch March 31, 2007 Rolls Royce UK Highly Enriched Uranium Processing Facility March 31, 2007 SS IL Nazi in the Service of the Jewish State March 30, 2007 IBM DPA IBM Patent to Combat Differential Power Analysis March 29, 2007 EM Filter Patent: TEMPEST Protection Film March 29, 2007 WTC Dwgs World Trade Center Architectural Drawings March 28, 2007 Stop It Encampment to Stop the War March 26, 2007 NSA 1 NSA Information Assurance Director Talks 1 March 26, 2007 NSA 2 NSA Information Assurance Director Talks 2 March 26, 2007 NSA 3 NSA Director Talks March 26, 2007 VP Valerie Plame Case Files March 26, 2007 PEF Former Presidential Emergency Facilities March 26, 2007 GOSCC UK Global Operations and Security Control Centre March 24, 2007 Cop Pop Federal Cops Shooting Range Birdseye March 24, 2007 11 March Tracing the March 11th Terrorist Network March 22, 2007 WMD Terror UK Reactivates WMD Sub Base March 22, 2007 Spy Rot 1 No End of Illegal Domestic Spying March 21, 2007 Spy Rot 2 Homeland Security Research Corporation March 21, 2007 Spy Rot 3 HomeSec Privacy Impact Assessments March 21, 2007 Cover Up Gen. Petraeus and a High-Profile Suicide in Iraq March 19, 2007 PK Patents Patent History of Public Key Crypto March 18, 2007 GPSS UK Gov Pipelines and Storage System Update March 18, 2007 FU Buddy Video: Whatever Happened to Dreams of Freedom March 17, 2007 Corkscrew Presidential Emergency Facility March 17, 2007 LNG 9/11 Consequences of LNG Tanker Terrorist Attack March 16, 2007 NukePac Nuclear Transport Package Descriptions March 16, 2007 Goss John Doe v. Porter Goss March 15, 2007 GAO-07-583T Passenger Rail Systems Vulnerable to Terrorism March 8, 2007 badvista Bad Vista March 8, 2007 FEBRUARY 2007 ispab022707.htm InfoSec and Privacy Board Meet February 28, 2007 ftc022607.htm FTC New Directions for ID Authentication February 28, 2007 fac022607.htm Jihads Galore Assets Blocked February 28, 2007 bis022607.htm Country Group C: Export Diversion Concern February 28, 2007 janelia-farm.htm Howard Hughes Janelia Farm Research Campus February 25, 2007 mi-forest-gate.htm Former British Secret Agent Behind Forest Gate? February 24, 2007 nsa-birdseye.htm National Security Agency Birdseye February 24, 2007 va022307.htm Nickel and Dimeing National Cemetary Graveliners February 23, 2007 irs022207.htm IRS Millions of Hours of Illegal Info Collection February 23, 2007 doe022207.htm DoE to Expand Strategic Petroleum Reserve February 23, 2007 tor-fear.htm Tor Fear: Caught in the Network February 22, 2007 fac022107.htm Iran-Syria Alleged WMD Proliferators Blocked February 22, 2007 nwtrb022107.htm Yucca Nuclear Waste Hazards Meet February 22, 2007 usace022107.htm Naval Air Station Key West Ammunition Magazines February 22, 2007 barc-eyeball.htm Eyeballing India Bhabha Atomic Research Centre February 19, 2007 no-forest-gate.htm Former British Secret Agent Denies Forest Gate February 18, 2007 india-eyeball.htm Eyeballing Sensitive India Sites February 18, 2007 pols-spam.htm Pols Mass Spam February 17, 2007 medpriv-yank.htm UK Medical Privacy Document Yanked - Not February 17, 2007 MI-parrot.htm Open Letter to MI-Parrot Christopher Andrew February 16, 2007 faa021307.htm Unmanned Aircraft Operations in US Airspace February 14, 2007 mcc021307.htm US Foreign Bribery Targets and Bribes Report February 14, 2007 don021207.htm Navy EIS for Swimmer Interdiction System February 13, 2007 uscg021207.htm Coast Guard Sets Security Zone at Naval Academy February 13, 2007 dod021207.htm DoD Final Rule on RFID Spy Chips February 13, 2007 rf-speech.htm Patents: Transmitting Speech by Radio Frequency February 11, 2007 apartheid-fun.htm Apartheid Denial Humor February 10, 2007 sec020807.htm SEC Bans Cyberkey Solutions Snakeoil February 9, 2007 hhs020807.htm Health Care Bloodsuckers February 9, 2007 ip-tla.htm IP Blocks Used by Terrorist Surveillance Program February 8, 2007 nrc020607.htm Improvements to Nuclear Materials Management February 7, 2007 fda020607.htm Food Defense Workshop February 7, 2007 istac020507.htm InfoSys Export Panel Meet February 6, 2007 secdef-air.htm Eyeballing the Secretary of Defense Aircraft February 4, 2007 track-fake.htm Tracking and Faking Electronic Monitoring February 4, 2007 mi5-kgb-pt.htm MI5-KGB Spying in Portugal February 3, 2007 aphis020107.htm National Animal Identification System February 2, 2007 fr013107.htm Cumulative List of Public Laws February 2, 2007 O f f s i t e
NSA Patent            Preparation and Imaging for Integrated Circuits  February 28, 2007
Oil Grab              Bush Buds Write Iraq Law Favoring US Oil         February 28, 2007
Nail Jose             Jose Padilla and Terror Manual Horse Pucky       February 28, 2007

Hole for One          Inside Navy's Secret Brig                        February 23, 2007
Fizz                  Divine Strake Monster Bomb Test Cancelled        February 23, 2007
App Fat               Application Bloat Defeats Best Crypto            February 19, 2007
CIA Perps             LA Times IDs CIA Kidnap Pilots                   February 19, 2007
OI                    Orwellian Ireland in HTML                        February 19, 2007

OI2                   Orwellian Ireland in PDF                         February 19, 2007
MI6 Who               Richard Tomlinson Vet of MI6 Officers List       February 17, 2007
CIA Greed             Ex-CIA Greedheads                                February 17, 2007
CIA Perps             CIA Kidnappers Arrest Warrant                    February 17, 2007
Pain Porn             24 Torture Pornography                           February 14, 2007

ROCs                  Fusion Centers PO Boxes Located                  February 14, 2007
Zodiac                Zodiac's Cyphers Cracked                         February 14, 2007
LTTE                  Tamil Tigers: Al Qaeda's Guide to Terror         February 14, 2007
DIA CIA               The Lockerbie Cover Up                           February 13, 2007
EFP IED               Photo: Explosively Formed Penetrator IED         Feburary 10, 2007

OS Cop                Microsoft Patent for OS Policing of DRM          February 8, 2007
IP Whois              IP Address Ranges and Who Owns Them              February 7, 2007
Mum                   New Top Secret Presidential Comms Network        February 7, 2007
DISA                  Defense Information Systems Budget               February 7, 2007
FRU FUD               FRU Braggarts Shovel NI Bullshit to Iraq         February 6, 2007

DNI-U                 Intelink-U                                       February 4, 2007
4th Branch            Venal Contractors Take Over US Government        February 4, 2007
Law Gag               NI Law could hamper rights investigations        February 4, 2007
NSA Lax               Lax Security at NSA Fort Gordon                  February 2, 2007
NSA Dim               Update of NSA Power Deficiencies                 February 2, 2007
JANUARY 2007 spin-doc.htm Christopher Andrew: Spies Ultimate Spin Doctor January 30, 2007 mi5-murder.htm MI5 Pays for Murder in Northern Ireland January 28, 2007 ni-report.pdf British Savagery in Northern Ireland January 28, 2007 garda-killers.htm Photo of Alleged Garda Killers January 28, 2007 mil-dead-iqw.htm Calendar of 3,297 US Military Dead in IQ-AF Wars January 28, 2007 niosh012507.htm Worker Radioactive Contamination by Nukes January 26, 2007 dhs012507.htm Martime Transportation Worker ID Credential January 26, 2007 dvdcca012507.htm DVD CCA Gets New Copyright Bandits January 26, 2007 hp-spy-docs.htm HP Espionage Docs Removed by Judge January 25, 2007 ita012407.htm Restoring US Open Arms Despite Tourist Abuse January 25, 2007 nrc012407.htm Secure Transfer of Nuclear Materials Janaury 25, 2007 nist012307.htm NIST Seeks New Hash Functions to Replace SHA-1 January 23, 2007 nhs-unseal.htm UK National Health Service Embarassing Docs January 22, 2007 epa012207.htm Assessing Munitions and Explosives Hazards January 22, 2007 ferc012207.htm Expanding Washington DC Area Gas Supply January 22, 2007 a53-gea3.htm 3GPP A5/3 and GEA3 Algorithms January 21, 2007 3gpp-li.htm Lawful Interception in 3GPP Rel-7 Architecture January 20, 2007 uea2-uia2.htm Specification of the UEA2 and UIA2 Algorithms January 20, 2007 marad011707.htm RFC: LNG Ship Through Offshore Deepwater Ports January 17, 2007 dod011607.htm Multi-Agency Radiation Survey Manual January 16, 2007 islam-ru.pdf Islam in the Russian Federation January 15, 2007 fda011207.htm FDA on Banning Diseased Animal Parts in Drugs January 13, 2007 fws011207.htm Permit to Use Raptors for Killing January 13, 2007 occ011107.htm USG Statement on Risk of CSFT Flim-Flam, Duh January 11, 2007 usaf011007.htm Air Force Pan-STARRS Outer Space Defense January 11, 2007 wikileaks-leak2.htm Wikileaks Leak 2 January 9, 2007 bdvp-stasi.htm Stasi Officers List Updated January 7, 2007 wikileaks-leak.htm Wikileaks Leak January 7, 2007 milcomm-1804.htm 1804 US Military Communications Facilities January 6, 2007 toad-dis.htm John Gilmore: Disrecommending Cryptome Update January 6, 2007 hmgcc-birdseye.htm Birdseye of HMGCC Spy Base £30M Project January 6, 2007 cia-gripe.htm Letter from a CIA officer with a Gripe January 6, 2007 dean-scheu-sick.htm Psychopathic Killer Dean Scheu Sicks a Shark January 6, 2007 dos010507.htm State Bans Chinese Exporters to Iran and Syria January 6, 2007 fcc010407.htm FCC Call for Child Spying by Libraries January 6, 2007 dos010307.htm State Dept National Security Information Regs January 6, 2007 ford-mi5-mi6.htm Trowbridge Ford on MI5-MI6 Manipulations January 1, 2007 more-pain.htm American Leaders Promise More War Pain January 1, 2007 spy-centers.htm State and Regional Spy Centers Eyeballs January 1, 2007 O f f s i t e P-Eyes Pilot-Eye Views of UK Secret Bases January 27, 2007 Bassackward Prez Is Servant of Citizens Not Commander January 27, 2007 CN-ASAT Tracking the Chinese Anti-Satellite Hit January 21, 2007 Sy Op Symantec European Security Operations Centre January 21, 2007 f8-f9 Specification of the f8 and f9 Algorithms January 20, 2007 MREs Meals Ready to Eat Starving Marines January 20, 2007 Spycops UK Bill on Sharing Spy Data for Crimefighting January 20, 2007 Scrub LA Times Launders Judith Miller January 15, 2007 Google Eye Insurgents Use Google Maps to Target Troops January 15, 2007 Blueweak Real Hustle Bluesnarfing January 15, 2007 GSM Wiki Wiki GSM Scanner-Receiver Project January 14, 2007 Coin Bugs Canadian Coins with RFID Spy Chips January 11, 2007 MSNSA Microsoft and NSA and Vista Spy Team January 10, 2007